
Prime Plastic to Paper

18 Apr 2018

The level of plastic waste is headline news and more companies are making changes to live in a more environmentally friendly manner.  Prime is no exception.

We have reviewed our business to see how we can operate in a more environmentally friendly way. We acknowledged that plastic bags are unnecessary and as such have replaced them with recyclable paper bags saving over 1,000 plastic bags a year.

We have for years strived to operate in a paperless office, we introduced electronic virtual filing over 6 years ago, and in the last year have taken a further positive step by moving to electronic working papers. An evolutionally new way of working for the accountancy profession which, we believe, brings increased efficiency as well as being environmentally friendly.

We have introduced recycling bins in our offices to separate and recycle waste paper and plastic.

As part of our recent re-branding we took the opportunity to provide each member of staff with a new water bottle to replace single-use plastic cups.

We take a proactive approach to reviewing our marketing material requirements and the quantities in which we order to reduce any unnecessary waste.

The combination of all the above as well as continuing to explore other options we hope to further our efforts to reduce Prime’s carbon footprint in the future.