Prime Accountants Group are excited to announce details of our next charity fundraising challenge
Le Tour in 24
Taking place from 12pm on Saturday 29th Feb - 12pm Sunday 1st March, our team will be cycling on exercise bikes the distance of the Tour de France, 3,365km! This will only be achieved across 6 exercise bikes by cycling continuously for 24 hours maintaining a cycling speed of 23.5kmph.
By doing this we aim to raise £10,000 for our nominated charity Birmingham Children's Hospital.
We are very fortunate at Prime to have such an excellent workforce and once again the Prime team have risen to the challenge and we have had 50 people commit to cycling and volunteering day and night throughout the challenge.
We now just need your support! We are able to offer supporters various levels of sponsors as detailed below;
Bronze sponsor €“sponsorship level £50
All sponsors will be thanked on social media in advance and during the challenge.
Sliver sponsor, sponsorship level £200
To thank you for becoming a silver sponsor we will publicly thank you on our social media platforms, subsequent blog articles and logo included the Le Tour in 24 webpage which will be live for 3 months.
Gold sponsor - sponsorship level £350
As a gold partner you will be given the opportunity to come and take part in Le Tour in 24. Your sponsorship entitles you to an hour cycling at a time of your choosing. Professional quality photo of your participation will be provided. You will also feature in the video summary post event and both you and your company name will be referenced in the video. Sponsors will again be thanked publicly and included in blog articles and have your logo on the web page about the challenge.
All money raised will be donated to Birmingham Children's Hospital and will make a positive difference to the lives of those who use the hospital.
In order to make a donation please do so on our Just Giving page, available here. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further please don't hesitate in contacting our marketing manager, Jonathan Stobart on and / or 0121 711 2468.